MAIN TEXT: Deuteronomy 5:10
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments”.
Isaiah 55:7- Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
God is indeed merciful. Mercy is an attribute of God and it is this side of Him that makes him to tolerate our frailties and unfaithfulness. This mercy side of God holds his wrath from breaking out against mankind. The mercy of God is strong and it is this mercy that preserves His people. God’s mercy shields us from destruction whenever the devil appears to steal or kill us because His mercy endures forever. God said that He will show mercy on the person He decides to show mercy. Even when evil and judgment is hanging on you and God decides to show mercy, it is His mercy that will prevail over the accusations of accusers.
One major thing we will keep praying is for the mercy of God to always stand for us. It is the mercy of God that gets favour and opens doors. It is still the mercy of God that delivers healing and protection to us. God’s mercy stands against judgment.
Whatever it is, and however it is, you will have mercy and God freely pardon you. Today is the day of salvation reach out and receive and accept him as your Lord and saviour.
PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, let mercy stand between me and every ungodly judgment against me. Favour me by mercy.
BY BISHOP NGOZI DURUEKE (HE REIGNS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL) To send your testimony, write us: mylivingwaterdevotional@gmail.com.