So David inquired of the Lord, “shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?” The Lord answered him “go, for I will surely hand them over to you.”
1 Kings 17: 9 (NIV)
“Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food.”
What or where ever we go to or do in life without proper guidance or direction will surely end up as a fruitless exercise. Therefore, if you want to be successful in your studies, family or spiritual life, business or any endeavour in life you must be guided by a being who knows you more than you know yourself. A being that knows very well where you are going or what you want to do. That being is the supernatural God, the Almighty. He is the God that created all things but was not created, the all wise and all knowing God. If you want to succeed in anything you want to embark on, you must involve God in it, seeking his counsel, directive or opinion. This is important because it is he that created you, he knows the purpose for creating you, He knows how and when you can achieve it.
When you receive divine direction, you are focused, confident and victorious. In our main text, David wanted to embark on a journey of pursuit and recovery, he didn’t just start pursuing because he had the horses, chariots and warriors, he first sort for divine direction and God directed him to go. When he didn’t know where his enemies were, God divinely positioned someone who led him to where he pursued, over took his enemies, and recovered all he had lost.
Beloved, it is expedient that before you start the day’s activities you seek and follow divine directions to avoid unnecessary stress, mistakes, regrets or pains. Allow God to order your steps for by strength shall no man prevail. Without divine direction reverse is the case.
PRAYER POINT: Oh God instruct me, teach me the way I should go and cover me with your glory. Lead me to my testimonies.
BY BISHOP NGOZI DURUEKE (HE REIGNS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL) To send your testimony, write us: mylivingwaterdevotional@gmail.com.