Main Text: Proverb 5:21 ‘for a mean’s way are in full view of the land and he examines all his path”.
Proverb 8:34 – Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doers, waiting at my doorways? (NIV)
The heart is the controller of the activities of man within and outside his environment. God is its Creator but you’re the keeper with a free will to choose and decide who takes charge of it. You need to guard it diligently, for out of it the issues of life. You ask why God should rule your heart? Give him room to take charge of your heart because He (God) is the creator. He knows and understands the works of the human heart. He can rule your heart without injuring you; judge it without undue pressure. God is just and faithful, full of integrity.
You may not know it but he has respect for you, so you can let him in. He will never manipulate you or take advantage of your weakness but rather he will make up for any area of weakness in your life. He weighs the motives of the heart whether it is good or bad. Even though he knows our faults, he uses his knowledge of us to trap us. Before you do anything, he is already aware of it.
Whether you want him to or not he has access to your heart but he desires that you willingly submit it to him to show love. If you let him in, he will rule you out of trouble, judgment, death, curse and destruction and into life eternal.
Prayer Point: Oh Lord, today I surrender the door of my heart to you. Rule it and preserve my life in Jesus name Amen.
BY BISHOP NGOZI DURUEKE (HE REIGNS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL) To send your testimony, write us: mylivingwaterdevotional@gmail.com.