Main Text: Ephesians 5:33 – Never the less let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Ephesians 5:21- Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Marriage can be the closest thing to heaven or hell on this earth, depending on where the couple lean. The issue of submission can make all the difference between success and failure in a home and marriage. God wants to give His children every good thing that pertains to life and godliness, happy home inclusive.

The couple involved should know that this is God’s mind towards them and work together in love, harmony and in prayer to actualize it. As God is the origin of marriage, He desires to use it to show forth His glory to the world, so also satan is interested to see that God’s plans for your home do not come to pass. Beware!

Let’s understand better the tips to follow in marriage with this acronym:

M – Make Christ the foundation and head of your home.

A – Accept each other’s differences

R – Respect your spouse

R – Resist all attempts to destroy your home.

I – Intercede for your family and others

A – Avoid all forms of immorality and infidelity

G – Guard your tongue always. Be positive

E – Enlist and prepare your family for the coming of the Lord.

Let’s endeavour to practice all these and see how beautiful, blessed and flourishing our homes will be. God’s grace has already been released to achieve all these. Just step into that grace and do as the spirit directs you.


Prayer: I bless my marriage and family, I expel every house hold demonic influence in my home.

Reach us: mylivingwaterdevotional@gmail.com

BY BISHOP NGOZI DURUEKE (HE REIGNS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL) To send your testimony, write us: mylivingwaterdevotional@gmail.com.